We use the power of visual story telling to help people live a better life.
How we do this? Pretty simple – we make short social films out of real, inspiring stories.
Big Short Films | Time Traveler
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Time Traveler

The Story of one man who collected 1,50,000 rare photographs
Video Description

Everyone has a hobby. But how far does one take it? Anand Kumar Bhowmick, started collecting photographs since his childhood and hit a whopping collection of 1,50,000 rare photographs. His journey continues. In a time where people are busy with snapchats and reality shows, here is a man who has taken time to document history, as it is, through his rare photograph collection. And the best part? He exhibits them all outside his shop, and educates people on history and its stories, for free. Marking the world photography day on Aug 19, this film is a tribute to all those who document life through pictures.

You can reach him at No 12 , Kasi Chetty Street , Sowcarpet, Chennai -600079 . Contact : 04425368785
